I will most likely be posting a lot about my frustrations with my children. As people, I think it is rare that we need an outlet for the good. Everyone wants to hear good. More often we need an outlet for the bad. Most of what is written ends up being bad. Rarely do you call people at 2am with good news. Especially relatively mild good news. With that in mind, and because I want to, I thought I’d write a mama brag post. (This is me bragging about my wonderful children)
On Monday I took Demon for his two year check up and Bug for her two month check up. The pediatrician was examining Bug, stops takes a step back, and says, “she’s getting ready to roll over,” with no small amount of surprise in her voice. I said, “yea, she’s really strong. She can hold her head up, push her chest off the floor and hold it there, get her knees under her and push up. It’s a little crazy.” The doctor seemed very impressed with my little girl five and a half week early preemie. She’s 22 in. and 12.3 lbs, which puts her in the 50th-75th% for height, weight, also head size, non adjusted. She’s met all her milestones and then some.
For those of you who don’t have kids, or haven’t had a preemie: they do all your checkups based on their birthdate. All of their milestones though are based on their due date. So technically, both my kids get an extra six weeks to meet all of their milestones. Six weeks it a big difference when you’re only seven weeks old. (We had her checkup a little early)
Demon has met all his millstones, and exceeded them, as always. He’s 32 lbs and 37in, which puts him above the 95th percentile for height and around the 75th for weight. The doctor was also impressed with how good he is with Bug. He’s never made any show of aggression towards her, which I really have been expecting. It’s more then common for toddlers to be a little aggressive towards new babies. They don’t mean anything by it. They’re too young to understand that other people feel pain, much less that they can cause that pain. They just lash out from frustration. He hasn’t (yet) done anything aggressive towards her. In fact, he’s very gentle and protective of her. He likes to show her off to people, and show them how to interact with her - by petting her head and saying, “nice,” hehe. He will bring me her pacifier and blanket if she cries. If we’re in the other room (doing a bath or diaper or something) and she starts crying he says, “Bug, crying,” or “oh no, Bug.” He takes Bun (his very favorite stuffed rabbit) and puts him in the baby swing, covers him with a blanket and turns it on. He’ll also tuck Bun in in the Pack N Play if Bug’s not in it. He likes to bring me Bun and have him swaddled. This morning he insisted Bun needed a diaper and a shirt.
Here both kids woke up and i lost my train of thought, because it’s only 5am, and I only have so much at 5am. Anyway, I’m proud of my wonderful kids! Even if they were born this way, and it has nothing to do with what i do with them.