Thursday, January 27, 2011


Yesterday we went to free play at Gymboree in hopes that the big room wouldn't be so novel and Demon would stay in music class today. He was worn out by the end slipped and twisted his ankle, or pinched his toes or something. He was fine, but had a huge tantrum, and then was limping all around going, "ow ow ow." Of course, it was right at the end, so we had to leave. I packed Bug all up and out we went. In the middle of the street he pulls out the "ow ow ow" and sits down. I had to pick him up and carry him!! So here I am carrying my 35lb (or so) toddler a 10lb infant in a 40lb pumpkin seat for a block and a half. We walked by a gym with big windows and people on treadmills. I thought, "HA!"

I'm fat. I've had 2 kids in under 2 years, the last a mere 6 weeks ago. I'm working on losing weight, but it's a slow process. I hate gyms, but I'd kill for some time on the treadmill. (It'd be easier if I only had to kill someone to get it, or better yet, kill someone to be thin. As it is I'll have to work instead)  The gym was one of those "women's gyms."  I'd been thinking maybe I should join and go work out there. As I was struggling down the street with my load of children it occurred to me that wasn't going to happen. Also, that if just walking was going to work that walking and carrying an extra 85lbs should work even better. Maybe I just have to practice carrying both kids for further and further distances. Every time I have to carry both of them, or even just my super tall toddler, I think, "you think I'd be thinner."  It seems to me that carrying around all that extra weight and chasing a toddler on a never ending basis would cause you to lose weight. Not so much so. 

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